What is the aim of the research?

There are two overarching aims:

• To size the market for golf participation and interest in GB&I, both in traditional and non-traditional forms of the game, and to better understand participants’ journeys through golf.

• To understand industry trends, consumer behaviour and attitudes, matters related to golf and health, perceptions of golf and economic aspects.

The ongoing research will provide a better understanding of participants’ journeys through the game.

It will also look at the bigger picture and provide vital information on participation levels, consumer behaviours, economic impacts and external perceptions – all of which can only help the collective industry to better meet the wants and needs of all golfers, with the ultimate aim of making them golfers for life.

Why is The PGA doing this?

We anticipate that the Ipsos research will provide new insights that will undoubtedly benefit the many governing bodies, partners and companies that we work with across the industry. We also hope to influence the perceived stereotype of golf in a more positive way. We want to recognise and connect with those people who play indoor or adventure golf, just as much as we do those who play traditional forms of the game. Non-traditional golf and golfers contribute hugely to the industry and this fast-growing sector represents an enormous opportunity for the long-term prosperity of the game.

For The PGA, a clear understanding of market trends and patterns – backed up by data - will enable us to provide more targeted support and education for our Members.

Who is the data of interest to?

We want to engage with the whole golf industry – both the traditional and non-traditional parts, on course and off-course golf.

Golf clubs and operators will be interested in the numbers and size of the off-course golf market, as will the golf corporations.

Who can access the data?

We want to share this research with everyone, for the benefit of everyone. We want to give anybody who's interested in this access to it. To download the report click here.

Is there more data to come?

Yes there is. The initial data provides valuable insights , and what we hope to do subsequently is to learn how people journey through golf and what their experiences are as well as identified market trends and patterns.

Are there any patterns that we can establish? Are there certain ways where people come into the game, progress through and end up in different places? Are there off-course forms of the game that produce on-course golfers and club members?

Knowing about that and being able to react to it with offers and support is really important.